At this point, fast food is considered to be a "luxury", 11 million children are living in poverty, and thousands of stores are permanently shutting down all over the United States because consumers have so little discretionary income these days.
Pope Francis is under fire including several accusations of heresy on social media after after claiming that human beings are "fundamentally good" in a recent interview with 60 Minutes host Norah O' Donnell.
In the past few days, Hamas and other terrorist groups have been rejoicing over the decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state. The terrorists are so delighted that they have released several statements praising the three countries and stating that the Palestinians view the recognition as a direct result of their terrorist attacks against Israel.
Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month.
China has just launched enormous military exercises codenamed "Joint Sword-2024A" which are designed to simulate what a war against Taiwan would look like. Chinese fighter jets are conducting mock airstrikes against "high-value military targets", and Chinese warships are practicing for a future economic blockade.
A left-wing school district in the Old Line State is attempting to hide LGBT grooming from parents, and the nation's top court is refusing to intervene.
That was $300 million in taxpayer money well spent. Biden announced that America was going to spend two months building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza at a cost of $300 million. However the aid keeps getting stolen and some reports say none of the aid has gotten through to any recognized aid distribution points.
Parts of America could face difficulties in meeting electricity demand during the summer season, with renewable energy sources like wind and solar power posing a potential risk to reliable power supply, according to a report by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
Scientists have warned us that California is way overdue for a major earthquake and that "the Big One" could literally strike at any time. That is why I was so alarmed when the Los Angeles Times reported that "two sets of earthquake swarms" had just hit the state.
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