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What Does It Mean to Be 'Woke'? October 29, 2024

A new survey shows that while most Americans think they know what "woke" means, they don't actually have a firm grasp of the concept behind the term.

Early Voting Numbers Are Telling Us A Very Interesting Story October 24, 2024

Not all states offer early voting, and the states that do offer early voting differ as to what types of data they make available. So the numbers that we have right now do not give us a full picture of what is going on but from the numbers we do have they appear to be telling us a very interesting story.

Third Temple Fervor - Ark Replica Comes To Jerusalem As Levite Priests Practice October 24, 2024

In a remarkable fusion of ancient tradition and modern craftsmanship, a meticulously constructed replica of the biblical Ark of the Covenant was showcased in Jerusalem during the Sukkot holiday while a full-dress reenactment of the water libation, as it was performed in the Temple, was held in Jerusalem with several hundred participants led by Kohanim in priestly garb, accompanied by Levites playing musical instruments.

Religion Makes A Belated Appearance In 2024 Election Season October 24, 2024

Members of the Democratic presidential ticket visited churches in the key swing states of Georgia and Michigan on Sunday. Although Walz acknowledged the interconnectedness of faith and politics, the church appearances only 16 days before Election Day seem more like an afterthought to a busy campaign, rather than a central feature.

Israel's Multi-Front War: Protecting Civilization While the West Watches October 24, 2024

The multi-front war that Israel is currently waging against the Iranian regime and its numerous terrorist proxies is a battle that actually the West should have taken on -- and long ago at that. Yet from the presidency of Barack Obama on, the Biden-Harris administration and European governments, rather than confronting the threats presented by Iran, they appeased and bankrolled it.

Wars And Rumors Of Wars - World On Brink Of Four Simultaneous Conflicts October 22, 2024

Horrific wars have a way of erupting when most people are not expecting them. Just a few days ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping boldly talked about "preparation for war" as he was dressed in military fatigues... why would China need to prepare for war?

Economic Tipping Point Coming - Consumers Are Just About Tapped Out October 22, 2024

Over the past four years the cost of living has risen much faster than paychecks have, and as a result our standard of living has been going down. Now we have reached a point where tens of millions of U.S. consumers have been squeezed bone dry, and as a result businesses are failing all over the nation.

Mini-Religious Revival Among Young American Men As Women Become More Liberal October 22, 2024

For the first time in modern American history, young men are becoming more religious than their female peers. This shift, noted recently by The New York Times, marks a striking reversal of longstanding trends, where women traditionally led the way in religious commitment.

Internal Sabotage? Biden-Harris Administration's Ongoing Israel Leak October 22, 2024

It is becoming ever-clearer that certain individuals within specific departments in the U.S. government are actively working against Israel, a supposed regional ally in the Middle East; and worse, are actually providing succor for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Is Consumer Doomspending Keeping The US Economy Afloat? October 19, 2024

Doomspending is usually done by the very people who can afford it the least. But, like an alcoholic justifying another drink, doomspenders justify buying the latest gadget because they deserve something nice to alleviate the financial stress they're under.

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