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Madness Of The Left: Queer Storytime For Palestine April 26, 2024

Lil Miss Hot Mess, a drag queen led the event where he read from his book, " The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish," after which he led the children in the chant, "If you're a drag queen and you know it, shout, 'Free Palestine.'"

The Churches Are Sleeping: When Did 'Woke' Pulpits Become The Norm? April 24, 2024

Many churchgoers have shared with me that when their churches reopened after Covid, Wokism had become the new religion. Sermons dealing with current events were now messages incompatible with biblical Christianity. The themes switched to social justice and equality; the key phrase was that we had to be tolerant. The motto switched to, "Do not preach anything that will offend anyone."

Relentless Anti-Semitism Spreads Across College Campuses April 24, 2024

Imagine walking on your college campus and being met with mobs of angry, violent people shouting pro-terror chants. Imagine being threatened with murder and faced with vehement hatred simply for existing or being against terrorism. You don't have to imagine it because these absurdities are exactly what's increasingly unfolding at universities across the country.

Why Are So Many Young Women Rejecting The Values Of Their Conservative Parents? April 24, 2024

Are left-leaning parents better at passing on their values to their children? The results of one recent study seem to indicate that they are, especially for their daughters. But there's a better explanation, one articulated millennia ago by God's Word.

Churches Get Security Wake-Up Call After Idaho ISIS Lone Wolf Plot April 24, 2024

When going to church in a rural resort area becomes an "imminent danger," it's high time for us to wake up and realize the current state of the world. That includes watching for rogue lone wolfs in sheep's clothing!

Will The Nations 'Impose' A Peace Agreement Upon Israel? April 23, 2024

Time magazine recently published an article titled "A Million Dollar Middle East Peace Plan," which lays out a scenario for peace between Israel and its Middle East enemies that is chillingly similar to what the Bible predicts.

Parents Fight Back Against Mandatory Queer Indoctrination At School April 23, 2024

Schools across America many times are run by managers who come with baggage from the extreme-left ideologies of higher academia. Their plans often include spreading those ideals to students - whether or not they or their parents want such indoctrination.

Biden's Department of Education Goes After Christian Universities April 23, 2024

Is it a coincidence that the Department of Education is targeting millions of dollars in fines at the same time for the two largest Christian universities in the nation, Grand Canyon University and Liberty University?

Lessons Learned From Israeli Urban Warfare April 23, 2024

The Israel Defense Forces' experience in fighting Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, an area described by observers as the most challenging urban warfare environment in history has brought about new strategies for three-dimensional warfare.

Next Economic Threat - Urban Collapse Fueled By Commercial Real Estate April 20, 2024

The commercial real estate market is starting to buckle under the weight of higher interest rates and remote work. Combine this with rapidly rising levels of crime, homelessness and migration have transformed many of our inner cities into extremely dangerous places that business and people alike are leaving and not coming back.

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