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There Is More To This Current Bird Flu Panic Than Meets The Eye April 20, 2024

Why are global health officials issuing such ominous warnings about the bird flu? Do they know something that the rest of us do not? H5N1 has been circulating all over the planet for several years now, and it has been the worst outbreak that the world has ever seen.

Food Is Now an Investment - Here's Why Inflation Isn't Going Away Anytime Soon April 20, 2024

That 30%+ increase in food that Americans have been dealing with - that's not going away, it's just not climbing as fast as it was. And, as we've seen in the past couple months, inflation has the ability to return just as quickly to add even more gasoline to the fire.

Half Of U.S. Latinos To Identify As Evangelical By 2030 April 20, 2024

Some demographers are quick to jump to the political implications of the rightward drift among Latinos, but as Christians, it's important first to recognize, as Hice said: this is "great news for the kingdom of God."

Biden Set To Cede Future Pandemic Response To WHO Next Month April 19, 2024

This agreement would subject the United States to the powers of the World Health Organization including the creation of a new position called the "secretariat for the WHO pandemic agreement" who will have almost global power over worldwide health decisions.

China Setting The Stage For Digital Pearl Harbor On America  April 19, 2024

China's hacking program is larger than that of every other major nation, combined. If each one of the FBI's cyber agents and intelligence analysts focused exclusively on the China threat, China's hackers would still outnumber FBI cyber personnel by at least 50 to 1.

No Bias Here - NPR Has Zero Republicans, 87 Democrats On Editorial Staff April 19, 2024

Uri Berliner, a senior business editor and reporter at NPR, described how over the last 15 years, the organization has drifted relentlessly leftward, and has now become "the distilled worldview of a very small segment of the U.S. population."

Poll Reveals Highest Rate of 'Scripture Disengaged' Americans April 19, 2024

Judging by the state of "The Bible in America Today," report there's a growing disregard for truth and a mockery of numerous biblical mandates. We see it all around us, and this report only affirms it.

Why Does The World Seem To Be In A Constant State Of Crisis? April 18, 2024

For over four years now, almost everyone who pays attention to what's going on in the world lives in a constant state of anxiety. The reason? They're waiting for the next shoe to drop – the next major global event that will upend their lives.

The Left's Plan To Sabotage Talk Radio And Local News April 18, 2024

For its nearly universal control over the news-industrial complex, the Left has failed to penetrate the one and only media format dominated by conservatives: talk radio.

Toward A Jihadist Caliphate April 18, 2024

Islamists desire for the global supremacy of their religion through holy war could not have been made much clearer through their words and deeds. Not only are Jews under threat, but Christians and all "unbelievers" in the radical jihadist agenda as well.

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