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Threats Of War, Rogue Alliances & Nuclear Weapons: Gog-Magog War On The Horizon? June 26, 2024

Our world today is witnessing mounting threats on numerous fronts. The alignment of nations coming together and the threat of war escalating daily, especially in Israel, point toward a prophecy in the Bible spoken of in Ezekiel 38 and 39: the Gog-Magog war.

Report: US Government Spies On Thousands Of Americans' Mail Every Year  

The US Postal Service (USPS) has been spying on thousands of Americans' mail every year for a decade, including letters and parcels, and provided citizens' information to police and elements of the national security apparatus.

Military Draft Debate - Mandating Women Into Instruments Of War 

An amendment to a must-pass bill pending before Congress would force women to register for the military draft -- a move opposed by most Americans and two out of three females.

Netanyahu Is Right To Reject Vassal-State Etiquette To Biden June 26, 2024

Similar to multiple occasions during the presidency of Barack Obama, Netanyahu is not playing by the rules Washington and the foreign-policy establishment believe are laid down to govern the behavior of client states.

What I Saw At A Terrorist Rally Outside A Synagogue  June 26, 2024

Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing.

Summer Canceled? Rising Cost Of Living Forcing Many To Reconsider Summer Plans June 24, 2024

Summer is here, but the fun may be over before it even starts! Nearly nine in 10 Americans have seen their cost of living increase over the past five years, and a new study has found that this is having a massive impact on their spending habits.

America Is Almost $35 Trillion In Debt. That Means Every American Owes $100,000 June 24, 2024

America's spending growth is unsustainable. You can stretch a rubber band farther and farther, but eventually, it will break and the American consumer will be the one snapped in the face.

Why Is The Left So Threatened By Parents Leading Their Children’s Education? June 24, 2024

The editors of Scientific American magazine published an article last month claiming "children deserve uniform standards in homeschooling." And what does this look like? The idea the SA editors had in mind is that "home­school parents could be required to pass a background check, as every state requires for all K-12 teachers."

The Palestinian Plan For 'The Day After' In Gaza: To Kill More Jews And Destroy  June 24, 2024

Any strategy the Biden administration proposes for the day after the war in the Gaza Strip is bound to fail, as evidenced by huge public support for Hamas and the crimes it committed against Israelis on October 7. Any legitimate discussion about what the day after looks like in the Gaza Strip must address the radical and Islamist elements in Palestinian society.

Biden's Smoke & Mirrors Support For Israel June 24, 2024

Contrary to President Joe Biden's oft repeated "ironclad commitment to Israel's security," his administration is implementing a whole-of-government policy of criminalizing Israel and its citizens.

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