I saw Bible prophecy being fulfilled before my very eyes as I watched Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on television address the General Assembly of the United Nations.
With Hezbollah in distress, some security analysts see its erosion as a vulnerability for the Iranian nuclear program, which they say is more susceptible to an Israeli attack than it's been in years.
According to a recent report, homeschooling is on the rise across the U.S. The Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy's Homeschool Research Lab published data analysis last month looking at how homeschooling is faring across the nation.
Sinicization is a political indoctrination process that embeds the CCP and its political ideology into every aspect of religious life, from the religious beliefs themselves to the physical structure of places of worship.
The narrative is always the same: Israel is cast as the aggressor, guilty of a "disproportionate" response, while its enemies, who hide behind civilians and fire rockets indiscriminately, are portrayed as victims.
All of a sudden, everything has changed. Israeli troops have entered southern Lebanon, Iran has fired hundreds of missiles into the land of Israel, and it appears that all-out war has arrived.