The EMP Threat To The West Continues To Grow

News Image By Gerald Platt/ June 28, 2024
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An EMP is essentially a large nuclear bomb that explodes in the outer atmosphere. In a cone-shaped area below, all electricity infrastructures and electronic devices fail. The area can be predetermined by arranging the size of the cone beforehand. So, for example, an attack could be focused on greater Chicago or the entire Midwest.

The explosion causes no immediate deaths. But after roughly 10 days, many people will die due to lack of food (because refrigeration is impossible), water (most water is delivered by electric pumps), working sewer systems, communications, transportation, etc.

Russia is now perfecting such a weapon. They are sending a nuclear device into space mounted on a satellite. It will be ready for use if and when Russia deems it necessary. We have no defense against it.

Developing this weapon is in serious violation of treaties signed in the past. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin knows that the Biden administration is incapable of making or following through on any threats.

Teddy Roosevelt's advice "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" does not apply in this case. The only stick we're carrying is a cane. And everybody knows it.

In my recent meeting with a ranking House Intelligence Committee member, we discussed the "evil four": North Korea, China, Russia and Iran. They have individual agreements among themselves for mutual protection, NATO style. (Putin was in North Korea last weekend). Three of the four are already nuclear powers. Iran will likely make it a quartet.

Regarding Iran, America survived the Cold War because of the doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD). No one wanted to be the recipient of a massive reciprocal nuclear attack. Despite the Cold War arms buildup, not a single nuclear missile was fired. We tend to think similarly about Iran but we are completely wrong.

The Iranian mullahs believe that their Twelfth Imam--an occluded messianic figure termed the Mahdi--is on earth but in hiding. The Iranian regime is convinced that it must make him appear and manifest himself. This is a religious obligation in Shi'ite Islam.

How does MAD apply in this context? Well, Iran is a big country with more than 90 million residents. If even 50% of its population dies in a war with the West, the Iranian regime will see them all as martyrs of God who will go to heaven.

So, MAD is no threat to them. They see such destruction as a victory--a win for them. Americans do not understand this way of thinking, nor that it is in service of Iran's ultimate objective of the Islamification of the West.

What about the Sunni Saudi Arabia? Its leader Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is trying very hard to bring his country into the 21st century. He's accomplishing this by eliminating radical Islam and proposing a more moderate form of the faith. All Sunni beliefs and directives, globally, come from Saudi Arabia. They are very different from Iran's.

Note that none of the above has anything to do with Israel, Gaza or the current war. It has been brewing for a while. The alliance of North Korea, China, Russia and Iran is focused on destroying America's superpower status.

At the moment, Iran in particular is creating havoc in the Middle East through their proxy terror groups the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas. Clearly, the immediate threat is to Israel, but the ultimate target is Western "dominance."

This is a major threat to the West. The United States should wake up to it and fast. Hopefully, it's not too late.

Originally published at

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