Threats Of War, Rogue Alliances & Nuclear Weapons: Gog-Magog War On The Horizon?

News Image By Mark Hitchcock/ Harbinger's Daily June 26, 2024
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Our world today is witnessing mounting threats on numerous fronts. The alignment of nations coming together and the threat of war escalating daily, especially in Israel, point toward a prophecy in the Bible spoken of in Ezekiel 38 and 39: the Gog-Magog war.

Turkey is one of the nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Four of the places mentioned there are in modern-day Turkey--Meshech, Tubal, Togarmah, and Gomer. Today, Turkey has been sidelined by many Western nations due to their inflammatory rhetoric about Israel and massive demonstrations in favor of Hamas during the Israel-Gaza war.

Turkey is a member of NATO and has desired to join the European Union. Knowing that that is unlikely to happen, they have increasingly moved eastward in their alliances.

Significantly, Turkey is now saying that it wants to become a member of "BRICS," an economic group whose first five members were Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. BRICS was founded to rival the G7 nations, and many believe it could overtake them within the next 20 years. The Kremlin welcomes Turkey's reported desire to join BRICS with open arms.

If Turkey joins BRICS it would undermine many of the nations that are in NATO. This is another indication showing that Turkey, more and more, is moving away from its Western allies and towards Russia and Iran, which is exactly what we should expect if the Gog-Magog War is getting closer.

Turkey is a marginalized and alienated nation, and they're finding their place with Russia and Iran.

Speaking of Iran, alarm bells are sounding right now. The Wall Street Journal had a headline this week that read, "Newsflash: Iran Wants A Bomb." Now, that's obviously nothing new. They're almost being sarcastic. The Washington Post additionally published an article titled, "Iran signals a major boost in nuclear enrichment at a key site." They explain that a new computer model programming is providing a shorter runway for Iran to get nuclear weapons.

"Hundreds of new centrifuges would triple Iran's uranium enrichment capacity at a deeply buried underground nuclear facility," The Washington Post reported.

They've developed what's been called "a nuclear assembly line," and they're "moving briskly toward becoming a threshold nuclear power, capable of making nuclear bombs rapidly if its leaders decide to do so."

Fox News this week has this headline, "Alarming discovery of Iran nuclear activity could 'upend' US assessment of weapons capability." The alarm bells are going off about Iran's nuclear program right now, much more than at any time in the past. In fact, there's a meeting at the White House between US and Israeli officials this week to discuss these alarming new developments.

In addition to the "nuclear assembly line," Iran currently has 300 pounds of highly enriched uranium that could be further refined into weapons-grade fuel for nuclear bombs within weeks--they're at the nuclear threshold.

A lot of this has been precipitated by the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, which Iran, ultimately, was the one behind. They're using their escalating conflict with Israel as their opportunity to move their nuclear program forward.

According to the Washington Post, experts are saying it could be about two years for Iran to build a nuclear warhead that could be fitted onto a missile. However, they are currently at the nuclear threshold, and obviously, smaller nuclear devices can be transported in other ways. Iran could also receive nuclear warheads from allies such as Russia or North Korea, which wouldn't require them to build their own.

Speaking of Russia and North Korea, Vladimir Putin last week visited Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, for the first time in 21 years. The Kremlin is running low on different munitions, with many reporting that Russia could potentially run out of tanks. It seems they are appealing to outliers, rogue nations like North Korea, to help them.

Many are startled by the idea of an alliance between Russia and North Korea, with the Center For Strategic And International Studies (CSIS) calling the summit meeting between the two nations "the greatest security threat to the United States since the end of the Korean War."

The leader of North Korea is a rogue Leader who is unpredictable in his actions, and they have nuclear weapons that have the ability to reach the United States. The meeting between Russia and North Korea is a major development, adding to the powder keg that's ready to explode in our world.

Another development pertains to Hezbollah and the escalating situation on Israel's northern border. We are seeing intensifying cross-border attacks between Israel and Hezbollah, even just in the past week. It is my belief that Hezbollah will be one of the "many peoples" that are mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 38 that will be part of the Gog-Magog invasion.

War breaking out between Israel and Hezbollah appears unavoidable at this point unless something major takes place. War between Israel and Hezbollah would be a significant game changer and make what's happening in Gaza with Hamas a sideshow in comparison.

One of the things that's changed the calculus recently is Hezbollah publishing surveillance footage from an Iranian-made drone they claim flew over several cities in the northern part of Israel, primarily the major coastal city of Haifa.

Because of the alleged surveillance footage, many have reported that Israel is ready for all-out war in Lebanon. A CNN headline stated, "Israel warns of prospect of all out war after Hezbollah publishes video of military and civilian sites."

Times Of Israel this week published an article that read, "Top Israeli generals approve Lebanon offensive battle plans, army says." They already have the battle plans drawn up for what's going to happen if they go into Lebanon to fight Hezbollah. They have already been approved. It's difficult to imagine how a war between Israel and Lebanon, a third Lebanon War, can be averted when they are already on the brink.

All of these events taking place today, Turkey moving more to the East, Russia with China and now North Korea, Iran drawing closer to the nuclear threshold, their proxy Hezbollah and Israel on the brink of war, are building up and setting up for what the Bible predicts is coming in the future.

You don't have to be a Bible prophecy or Bible expert to look at our world today and see things are set up for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Originally published at Harbinger's Daily

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