Biden Giving Your Tax Money To US Mosques That Seek Total Annihilation Of Jews

News Image By Bob Unruh - WND News Center November 14, 2023
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A federal program intended to help religious organizations defend against terror attacks has been used by the Biden administration to give hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax dollars to organizations that openly seek the annihilation of Jews.

An investigation conducted by the Washington Free Beacon revealed, for example, Biden gave to the Flint Islamic Center $300,000 under the program, even as an Islamic scholar there claimed Jews "literally live for the purpose of genocide" of Palestinians.

Such issues are becoming more and more significant in light of the atrocity-filled attack launched by Hamas terrorists on Israel last month, in which 1,400 civilians were slaughtered, including babies beheaded and whole families burned alive.

The Free Beacon confirmed that "millions" of dollars have gone, under the program, to mosques and Islamic groups "that have praised terrorists and called for the destruction of Israel."

The money flows through the Department of Homeland Security under the Nonprofit Security Grants Program.

Earlier this year, as imam Moustaf Kamel, of the California-based Masjid al-Ansar mosque, was calling Jews a "bigoted and arrogant breed of people" and praying they will "suffer annihilation," the organization was being given $100,000 by the Biden administration.

Then, too, the Islamic Center of Detroit was handed $150,000 as imam Imran Salha appeared at a pro-Palestinian rally to announce Muslims have a "fire in our hearts that will burn that state until its demise."

This type of rhetoric will only fuel the sorts of hate and terrorist attacks that the Homeland Security grants aim to prevent. 

Anti-Semitic hate crimes have surged 400 percent since Hamas's attack, in which 1,400 Israelis were slaughtered. A bipartisan group of senators called for additional funding under the program last month to protect against 'a potential rise in anti-Semitic threats,'" the report said.

The report said most grants have gone to churches, temples and synagogues that do not support terror, but there remains little oversight over the money scheme run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

But $150,000 did go to the Islamic Center of San Diego, best known as the home to two 9/11 hijackers.

There, imam Taha Hassane said, "When people are occupied, then the resistance is justified. We cannot accuse somebody who is fighting for his life to be a terrorist. The terrorist is the one who started the occupation, not the one who is defending himself."

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a pro-Muslim action group named as a co-conspirator of Hamas, has even mounted a "public awareness campaign to urge mosques and Islamic nonprofits to apply for the Homeland Security grants," the report said.

Also, the Islamic Organization of North America got $450,000 even though its head imam claimed Palestinians were being "slaughtered by the Israeli Zionist government" at a special event held by an activist who also claimed, "We stand with every resistance against Israel and every resistance against the occupation ... whether it's called Hamas, whether it's called Hezbollah."

Originally published at WND News Center - reposted with permission.

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