US & Arab States Plotting Imposed Peace Plan Upon Israel?

News Image By Bob Unruh - WND News Center February 17, 2024
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A scheme has been uncovered that apparently would involve announcing - unilaterally - a Palestinian state right away, and it is drawing a chorus of objections.

The Algemeiner website reported the proposed plan, described by the Washington Post, calls for "the withdrawal of many, if not all, settler communities on the West Bank; a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem; the reconstruction of Gaza; and security and governance arrangements for a combined West Bank and Gaza."

Stunningly, the action could involve "early U.S. recognition of a Palestinian state - even as elements of political reform, security guarantees for both Israel and the Palestinians, normalization and reconstruction are being implemented."

The discussion is stunning in that only in October, terrorists from Hamas, which works out of the Palestinian-controlled Gaza, invaded Israel and butchered some 1,200 civilians.

The scheme apparently is the work of the U.S. and several Arab states.

"In my speech yesterday in Berlin, I warned against the dangerous plan that is taking shape for unilateral international recognition of a Palestinian state," said Gideon Sa'ar, an Israeli lawmaker who is not part of the government coalition.

"This plan will not only not resolve the conflict but will make it intractable. The Palestinians will receive state recognition without paying the the price of compromise and they will continue the conflict from an upgraded position that will harm Israel's right to self-defense."
Israel, according to reports, would be left out of the process entirely.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been opposed to such a move.

"1,400 murdered and the world wants to give them a state. It won't happen," National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said on social media.

"The intention of the U.S., together with the Arab states, to establish a terror state alongside the state of Israel is delusional and part of the misguided conception that there is a partner for peace on the other side... While we are in the government, no Palestinian state will be established."

The report said Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich also said, "We will in no way agree to this plan, which actually says that the Palestinians deserve a reward for the terrible massacre they did to us: a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. The message is that it pays very well to massacre Israeli citizens. A Palestinian state is an existential threat to the state of Israel as was proven on October 7, Kfar Saba will not be Kfar Aza!"

The news site also warned, the "overlooked 'elephant in the room': polls show that most of the Palestinian people don't actually want a two state solution at all, on any terms, or in any borders."

Hamas leaders have said it is unacceptable for them to be expected to recognize Israel in any form.

The report said "74.7% of Palestinians desire a Palestinian-only state that entirely supplants Israel, while 72% support the October 7 massacre, which, to be clear, included burning Israeli babies, beheading, mass rape, mass murder, and large scale kidnapping."

Originally published at WND News Center

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