Airport Shock: Enraged Muslim Mob Storm Airport Hunting For Jews

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Appalling videos emerging from Russia show a large mob storming the Dagestan airport Sunday, as Muslim men chant "Allah Akbar" while hunting for Jews believed to be on a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel.

State-run media reports indicate the airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the majority-Muslim southeastern region of Russia, was closed due the situation and riot police have been deployed.

Israel National News reports: "The flight, which took off from Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel and was scheduled to land in Makhachkala, was rerouted and landed at a different airport."

Just the News reported: "Video posted online shows the demonstrators carrying Palestinian flags and clashing with police late Sunday evening.

"One video shows the mob, numbering in the hundreds according to reports, circling around a man they suspect of being a Jew, as he claims to be Uzbek. The mob does not believe him and instead takes his passport and phone to check.

"The mob reportedly stopped a bus full of children at the airport and demanded to see everyone's passports to ensure that they are not Israeli, video shows.

"Members of the crowd can be heard yelling, 'Allahu Akbar,' Arabic for 'God is the Greatest,' as they frantically search the airport for Jews and Israelis."

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, responded to the videos, saying: "Israel expects the Russian legal authorities to safeguard the well-being of all Israeli citizens and Jews wherever they are and to take strong action against the rioters and against the wild incitement being directed against Jews and Israelis."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister's Office stated: "The State of Israel views with utmost gravity attempts to harm Israeli citizens and Jews anywhere.

"The Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council are monitoring the development of events in southern Russia, in the Dagestan district. Israel expects the Russian legal authorities to safeguard the well-being of all Israeli citizens and Jews wherever they are and to take strong action against the rioters and against the wild incitement being directed against Jews and Israelis.

"Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alex Ben Zvi is working with the Russian authorities to secure the well-being of Jews and Israelis at the site."

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