Impacting Thousands - Feeding Bodies and Souls with Meir Panim

News Image By Hadassah Bay - Meir Panim September 12, 2023
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As summer winds down, Meir Panim is gearing up to feed the tens of thousands of needy Israelis who will be flocking to its branches across Israel on the High Holidays. On holidays, and every day, they know they can depend on Meir Panim for a delicious, nutritious warm meal, served with dignity and a smile.

In addition to providing hot meals for the needy and hungry at the branches, Meir Panim supplies Meals on Wheels for the elderly and disabled, as well as for Holocaust survivors, and grocery vouchers for the working poor and single mothers. Fresh fruits and vegetables, staples that are critical for good health but often left off the grocery list due to their high price, are also distributed to individuals who are hard put to make ends meet.

According to Mimi Rozmaryn, Director of Global Development at Meir Panim, the kind, caring environment of Meir Panim’s Restaurant-Style Soup Kitchens and additional services provided at its branches throughout Israel, is just as lifegiving as the food itself. That attitude extends not only to patrons but also includes salaried workers and the legions of volunteers who come to give back.

Mimi clarifies that with a very lean paid staff, Meir Panim could never accomplish all its wonderful work without the support of its devoted volunteers. “We absolutely rely on our volunteers, and that’s what makes it possible for 86 cents out of every donated dollar to be allocated to food,” she said.

Often, it’s Meir Panim’s loyal donors from abroad who are eager to volunteer during their visits to Israel. “We work with their itineraries to accommodate them as much as possible,” explains Mimi, underscoring her efforts to create meaningful volunteer experiences.

With families, Mimi will try to choose an activity where all the kids can get involved, whether it’s working behind the scenes or handing a plate of food to a patron and giving them a smile.

“Everything we do aims to make someone’s day and boost their confidence, whether it’s a staff member, a volunteer or a patron,” shares Mimi.

This year, Meir Panim expects a record influx of hungry families unable to afford essential food items. To ensure every family receives the meals they require for the High Holidays, it is of critical importance for Meir Panim to raise additional funds. Traditionally, many people donate charity to worthy causes before Rosh Hashanah, as a way to earn extra merit for the new year. You, too, can be a part of Meir Panim’s life-changing work and receive the merit of feeding the hungry!

Make your donation today online at, through the toll-free number at (877) 7-DONATE / 877.736.6283 , or by mail to American Friends of Meir Panim at 88 Walton Street, Suite B1 Brooklyn, NY 11206-4479. All donations made in the US are tax-deductible under EIN# 20-1582478.

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