Do Liquid Diets Help You Lose Weight?

Are you among those who add “ lose weight” to their New Year resolutions yearly? Well, let us help you with this this year. While you need determination and consistency to adhere to your goals, you also need a good diet plan to lose weight effectively.
This article explores all the “Whats” and “ Hows” of a liquid diet. In addition to defining the liquid diet, we will also explore how a liquid diet can help with weight loss. Continue reading and dive into a complete guidebook about liquid diets and their benefits in losing weight. Happy reading:)
Defining Liquid Diet
Liquid diet has been a hot topic of discussion among dietitians. For some, a liquid diet is one that only includes food items that are liquid at room or body temperature. However, for others, it also includes liquified solid food items.
For instance, one can squeeze veggies and fruits to get fresh juice six times a day and wholly depend on this liquid diet for months. When you are on such a sort of liquid diet, you can never take any solid food item, no matter what!
On the other hand, another school of thought believes a liquid diet can only include the juices or extracts that foster detoxification in your body. Other than the detoxifying agents, a person can rely on a solid meal.
Despite this confusing fiasco of what a liquid diet is and what it is not, let us stick to what a larger school of thoughts believe. Sticking to the “majority is authority” rule we get, a liquid diet is when you only rely on either a liquid diet or a liquified form of a solid meal.
How Can a Liquid Diet Help with Weight Loss?
When you are on a liquid diet, the whole of your diet shifts to the food items that come in liquid shape. Even solid food items are processed to squeeze out the pulp in liquid form. For instance, many brands have introduced meal replacement shakes that are solely designed to lose weight.
These squeezed-out shakes have low calories compared to the solid meal that the former one replaces. However, liquifying your meal does not mean you are compromising on the nutritional content of the meal. The nutritional factor of a solid meal remains untouched even when it is turned into its liquid form.
Likewise, some of the liquid diets also detoxify your body from health toxins. For instance many people stick to a watermelon diet to detox and cleanse their body. Similarly the long-term water fasting and juicing programs can help remove toxins from the body.
That is how a liquid diet can help with weight loss. See, when all your toxins are moved out of your body, and your metabolism is brought to action, it goes without saying that you shred some pounds on the go.
Furthermore, the liquid diet is usually rich in fiber and protein content. It has a minimal fraction of fat and carbohydrate contents. Isn’t it all you need to maintain a balanced diet? If you have been following our past blogs, you would know that a balanced diet in Crux is; “High on fibers and proteins, Low on Fats and Carbs.”
When you have imbibed this formula in your life and are consistent on your weight loss journey, you will ultimately see the results. We say so with so much confidence because several experimental studies have concluded on that note. People who adhered to a liquid diet lost almost 25 pounds of their body weight.
In addition to the liquid diet, you can also put your faith in a Pescatarian Diet for Weight Loss. The pescatarian diet is a seamless fix for situations when a person is actually a vegetarian but still wants protein-rich food. People like these can add fish or seafood to their diet, and such a diet is termed as pescatarian diet.
The pescatarian diet not only helps you reduce weight but also caters to your tastebuds simultaneously. This means you can still add colors to life even when you are on a diet for weight loss because the pescatarian diet promises weight reduction despite meat consumption.
Wrapping Up
All in all, when you have finally decided to put your dedication into losing weight, the first step is to visit your dietitian-nutritionist Dubai. Consulting a dietitian will help you understand what your body needs and among a galaxy of diet options, which one will suit you the best!
You can go and discuss on what you should eat and what should you skip to improve your metabolism and bring your body into a perfect shape. Now that you know that liquid diet can help with weight loss, there is no harm in you following the exact diet.
That’s all for now, Toodles!