Biden's Gaza Pier Disaster As Most Aid Stolen And Soldiers Hurt

News Image By May 24, 2024
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That was $300 million in taxpayer money well spent.

If you're keeping track, Biden announced that America was going to spend two months building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza at a cost of $300 million that would be operated by the U.S. military.

Then the pier came under attack by terrorists, was withdrawn to the Israeli port of Ashdod for repairs while the Biden administration conducted backchannel talks with Hamas urging it not to attack the pier, then redeployed for aid deliveries. And it's been a smashing success. For Hamas.

The good news was the Pentagon press secretary's announcement that 569 metric tons of humanitarian assistance had been delivered across the temporary pier in Gaza.

The bad news was that according to the same press secretary, none of the aid has gotten through to any recognized aid distribution points.

Did the aid get to the people of Gaza? "I do not believe so," he answered.

So they're now looking for "alternate routes."

Meanwhile, politicians and the media keep lying about Israel causing a "humanitarian crisis" when indeed the only aid to Gaza is coming through Israel. This is because Egypt blocked its crossing into Rafah once all the tunnels going from Egypt to Rafah were exposed after the Israelis went in (which they weren't supposed to because that would expose all the tunnels.)

Egypt isn't getting blamed for "starving" Gazans, Israel is. In reality, there's plenty of food in Gaza because we keep sending food. Hamas and other armed groups then steal the food and resell it. It's no surprise to any of the so-called aid groups because this is exactly what Islamic terrorists have been doing to them in Yemen, Afghanistan and all around the world. They know it works this way and they're lying about it every day.

So is the Biden administration. After building its very own shiny delivery system into Gaza, it can't actually deliver the aid because it's being stolen. And somehow that too will be Israel's fault.

Meanwhile, Hamas has pocketed millions more in profits from the aid that it's being sent to resell to Gazans. At this rate, the longer the war runs, the more money it makes.

Adding to the fiasco is the news today that three U.S. soldiers reportedly sustained non-combat injuries on the temporary pier off the coast of Gaza on Thursday.

The U.S. military didn't comment on one of the soldiers, who was taken to a local hospital reportedly with critical injuries. The other two, reportedly, sustained a sprained ankle and a back injury.

"The 'Gaza pier' is an incredibly stupid idea by Biden and more Americans will get injured or killed," wrote Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.).

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) wrote that "America should not be the port authority of Gaza."

Earlier in the day, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called the pier "a disaster and a waste of money."

"Joe Biden is putting our troops in serious danger to please the pro-Hamas wing of his party," Cotton wrote.

Originally published at

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