Israeli Movement To See The Third Temple Built In Jerusalem

News Image By PNW Staff October 02, 2023
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Efforts to reestablish a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount made headlines last week as Yair Hanoch, an activist from the Return to the Mount organization, was arrested at a light rail station near the Old City of Jerusalem while bringing a male sheep to the Temple Mount with the intention of providing it for a sacrifice.

Return to the Mount advocates for allowing Jews to perform the Biblically mandated animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount.

"The time has come to build a Jewish temple and renew the sacrificial works," the organization said after Hanoch's arrest.

Several organizations and individuals have made efforts recently to bring awareness to the current situation on the Temple Mount as well as efforts to rebuild the temple, including new research on where the ark of the covenant might be located.  Learn more in this update from CBN News: 

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