Responsible Gaming Practices in a Growing US Gambling Market

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Following the Supreme Court’s judgment in 2018 empowering states to map out their regulatory framework for online gambling, the US gambling industry has experienced significant growth over the past years. Certainly, the industry is still a subject of controversy to date, which explains why the regulations vary from state to state. Currently, over 20 states in the US have legalized casino gambling. However, one of the core requirements of authorized casinos is integrating and enforcing current best-responsible gaming practices. This article will help you understand the concept and its importance in promoting a healthy gambling environment.

Understanding Responsible Gaming

Responsible gaming aims to ensure that everyone is committed to the same course of keeping their activities in check on a casino site. On the part of players, it entails staying in total control and knowing when gambling ceases to be fun. For operators, it involves understanding the potential harms accompanying online gambling and integrating tools in line with regulatory requirements to mitigate the risks.

Unfortunately, not every site meets these requirements, which can be a huge trap for vulnerable and inexperienced players. A major requirement for slots providers is to ensure the outcomes are completely random. Some states also prohibit using celebratory sounds and autoplay features. So at all times, only use sites that list the best online slots sites that have a valid license and are legally obligated to provide these tools. Keep reading this article as we discuss in detail the various responsible gaming tools that you will find in every legal casino.

Responsible Gaming Tools

Every legal casino is expected to provide responsible gaming tools. However, they vary across different platforms. These are some of the most common ones to help you always stay in control. 

Deposit limits

This tool allows users to set a budget when using an online casino. Usually, there are options for daily, weekly, and monthly limits. For example, a player can set a daily limit of $100. Once you exceed it, you cannot add additional funds to your account until the next day. Similarly, you cannot make additional deposits if the limit was set for one week and you exhaust your funds in two days. That way, players stay contented and in control to avoid unnecessary losses or addiction. 

Wagering limits

After setting limits on your deposits, deciding how much you want to wager each time is also important. There are options to set daily, weekly, and monthly wagering, and you can decide on the maximum amount to bet each time, or over a set period. The idea is to enable players to manage their bankroll and protect their winnings. For example, some players may wager their entire account balance after a win, hoping for more significant returns. Unfortunately, it could go the other way, which could be damaging. Hence, it is always important to set and stick to wagering limits.

Session Limits

If you spend too much time in a casino, that’s a problem. Some people spend so much time on their phones gambling without realizing how much time flies. With session limits, you can help put your activities to check.

Session limits allow users to decide how much time they intend to spend each time they log into their casino account. Usually, there are options for different time frames. For example, you can decide whether to stay 30 minutes, 1 hour, or more. Once the allocated time elapses, the site will log you out. Meanwhile, you will receive a pop-up notification reminding you about how much time you have left so you can wrap up the session.

Loss Limits

The reality of online gambling is that there are good and bad days. However, staying in control on those bad days is of utmost importance. With loss limits, players can set daily, weekly, or monthly limits on the losses they can accommodate. For example, if you place a daily loss limit of $100, the system will notify you as your daily losses accumulate. When it gets to the stipulated amount, you will no longer be allowed to place wagers for the day or until the fixed period elapses.

Unfortunately, many players chase losses hoping to recover immediately. This is a sign of problem gambling, and in most cases, it never ends well. Hence, it is always essential to use this tool to help you stay in control.


Self-exclusion is a corrective measure used when a player sees signs of problem gambling. For example, if you are always looking for alternative means to increase or bypass your deposit limits, that’s a sign of addiction. At this point, it is best to take some time off. Some online casinos have many self-exclusion tools like GamBlock, Gamban, Betfilter, etc. Players can self-exclude for a month, six months, or more. The timing varies and is designed to work with various devices and operating systems.


With more states looking to legalize online gambling, enforcing best responsible gaming practices is crucial to help players stay in control. Moreover, as a passionate casino player, understanding responsible gaming practices is crucial. Recognizing when the activity is no longer fun will help keep your actions in check. While there are many tools to help you stay in control, it is vital to understand how it works. If you are up for more information or similar, feel free to check our archive here at prophesynewswatch for more tips.

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