Several Of Biden's Cabinet Picks Belong To Radical Soros-Linked Groups

News Image By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Breaking Israel News December 09, 2020
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During the campaign, Democratic candidate Joe Biden was enigmatic about his platform, frequently changing his position on major issues like fracking, the New Green Deal, and foreign policy. But as he announces his proposed cabinet members, their platform, a matter of public record, becomes clear since at least four senior members belong to an exclusive organization proposing radical plans for America.


Anthony Blinken, Joe Biden's proposed Secretary of State, seemed to be a fine choice. Well-experienced, Blinken served as a top Biden aid in the senate and has held senior foreign-policy positions in two administrations over the course of 20 years. Politico described him as an interventionist and internationalist. 

The only objection to his appointment seemed to come from Rep. Rashida Tlaib who perceived Blinken's Jewish identity as a threat to her "First Amendment right to speak out against Netanyahu's racist and inhumane policies."

But a closer look reveals that Blinken is on the Advisory Board of an organization called "Foreign Policy for America" (FPA), a self-described "nonpartisan, membership-based advocacy organization "founded in the weeks after the 2016 election as a home for Americans who opposed xenophobia and military-first foreign policy."  

Biden's National Intelligence director designate Avril Haines and his UN Ambassador designate Linda Thomas-Greenfield are also on the 20 member advisory board. 

To give an idea of FPA's political leanings, Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, a Soros-funded left-wing extremist anti-Israel group that claims to have ties to Jewish people, is one of the twelve people on FPA's board of directors.

Biden has also appointed Neera Tanden to be the director of the Office of Management and Budget. Tanden is currently the president of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a public policy research and advocacy organization, which is funded directly by Soros.

Biden also named Karine Jean-Pierre as his principal deputy press secretary. She worked as a senior advisor to Biden and Kamala Harris's chief of staff during the Biden-Harris campaign and also held various positions in the Obama administration. In addition, she was chief public affairs officer for, an organization Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly have accused of "being owned" by Soros.

The FPA's relationship with George Soros does not end with Ben Ami. A panel discussion in August was moderated by Tom Perriello, Executive Director of Open Society-US, Soros's massive multinational multibillion-dollar political organization.

To make matters worse, the president of the Open Society Foundations, Patrick Gaspard, announced on Friday that he will step down at the end of the year, opening the way for him to take a possible position in the Biden administration.


According to its website, one of FPA's top concerns is the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Its web-page outlining its position on the conflict links to two J Street reports and a UNRWA report. A "cornerstone" of this position is the two-state solution, i.e. the creation of a Palestinian state ethnically cleansed of Jews inside the Israeli borders with Jerusalem as its capital. FPA condemned President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and decried the decision to move the US Embassy.

"President Trump has undermined the United States as a neutral intermediary and the prospects of a two-state solution," the FPA site states.  "These moves went against decades of international consensus and diplomatic efforts to keep Jerusalem a neutral city to be shared by the Palestinian and Jewish peoples.?"

The FPA statement went on to criticize the Abraham Accords brokered by President Trump that normalized relations between Israel and Bahrain and the UAE. FPA made the claim that none of the countries had ever been officially at war with Israel, a claim that is literally correct but which misrepresents the reality of the animosity that has existed in the region. The FPA also criticized the Abraham Accords for endangering the two-state solution.

In addition, the FPA calls for a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iran Nuclear Deal which would allow Iran to pursue an unrestricted nuclear weapons program in less than four years.


In addition to stopping construction on the border wall separating the US from Mexico, the FPA calls for raising the number of refugees permitted to enter the US from its current cap of 15,000 to a preliminary cap of 125,000 that will be raised even more at a later date.

FPA is also an advocate for Black Lives Matter. On their page describing their commitment to BLM, FPA calls to block the equipping of police with "military-style" crowd control gear. Their other agendas include a commitment to climate control based on a return to the Paris Accords, an agenda they say will be based on "mobilizing $100 billion in financing from a variety of sources". This will be partially offset by a $60 billion decrease in military spending proposed by FPA. 


FPA and the Open Society Foundation both endorsed a study titled a radical "action paper" released in May titled "Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States." The paper was also endorsed by Population Action International (PAI), an NGO that raises funds for Planned Parenthood. The "Feminist Foreign Policy" calls for:

- An analysis of the patriarchal power structures and inequalities that exist in the world
- Moving beyond "binary" approaches 
- Using federal funds for abortions as part of family planning method
- Seeks to combat abuse against a person based on their "biological sex, gender identity or perceived gender"
- Climate change is, of course, one of the major concerns of the plan
- The plan also calls for the "creation of a feminist inspector general or council in the White House
- The role of the military in this foreign policy would be to "embrace the goal of demilitarization"

Originally published at Breaking Israel News - reposted with permission.

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