Top Israeli Minister Warns Biden Policy On Iran Could Lead To War

News Image By David Sidman/BIN November 09, 2020
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In an interview with channel 13 News, Minister of Settlement Affairs Tzahi Hanegbi said that if President Biden were to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, it could ultimately precipitate an Israeli-Iranian war because "we will be forced to take action."

Hanegbi, a member of Netanyahu's Likud party and considered to be a close confidant of the prime minister, previously served as Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Minister of Regional Cooperation. He is also considered to be a security expert.

Hangebi may be referring to Biden's commitment to restart the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that his administration brokered when he was vice president under Barack Obama. This means that the economic sanctions imposed by President Trump could be thawed out under his leadership. That can translate into Tehran exporting over 2 million barrels of crude oil a day.

Netanyahu for his part previoulsy addressed congress against the wishes of Obama to warn about the Nuclear deal with the Islamic republic which he called a "historic mistake."

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The sanctions imposed by Trump have managed to cripple the Iranian economy sending its currency, the rial, to 304,300 on the dollar. 

Many experts believe that it was precisely these sanctions that have prevented Iran from following through on their threats to wipe Israel off the map - a war that they currently cannot afford.

But if the sanctions are indeed lifted under a potential Biden administration, that can all change. This could leave Israel no choice but to wage war on Tehran and to stop them before they become a nuclear power.

Originally published at Breaking Israel News - reposted with permission.

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