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Kamala Harris Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Her Mouth When It Comes To Israel July 29, 2024

Since she became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for the president, backers of Vice President Kamala Harris have been doing their best to redefine her image. The vice president believes the way to navigate the campaign is a careful effort to signal both friends of the Jewish state and those who oppose it that she sympathizes with their positions.

Were Americans Listening To Netanyahu’s Message? July 29, 2024

What Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his address to a joint meeting of Congress was important. Both Americans and Israelis need to understand that the war in the Gaza Strip is just one front in a conflict with Iran that is, as he rightly said, a battle "between civilization and barbarism." Blackstone & WEF's Genetic Grab Of Your DNA July 26, 2024

Does Blackstone's purchase of, with millions of digital records of people's DNA have the ability to be connected to the agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes.

How Should Christians Respond To A Watered-Down GOP Platform? July 26, 2024

Now that Americans have had a chance to digest the political earthquakes of the last week and a half, a lot of conservatives are circling back to a major disappointment that, like most news, faded to the background when Donald Trump was shot: a radically-rewritten GOP platform that leaves decades of pro-life and pro-family values behind.

Will The Red-Green Alliance Take Over The Democratic National Convention? July 26, 2024

With the Red-Green Alliance between progressive leftists and Muslim antisemites, the Democratic Party now contains a large and powerful faction that is not just antisemitic but predicated on antisemitism. The question is not if but when the Alliance will make its bid to conquer and colonize the entire party.

Biden Gives Another $100 Million To Palestinians Despite Terrible Track Record July 26, 2024

What did the Biden administration threaten Hamas with? Anything? Or just a reward for intransigence of $100 million more dollars from American taxpayers? The claim is that the money is being given to aid agencies to distribute to Palestinians in Gaza -- but Hamas controls the distribution networks.

Potential Harris Presidency Could Turn The Screws On Israel July 24, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris, now the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, will likely continue Biden's foreign policy on most issues, but might diverge when it comes to Israel, NBC News reported on Monday.

Progressive Church Looks To Make LGBTQ Affirmation Mandatory For Clergy July 24, 2024

How has it come to this in the church? A major American denomination could soon make "affirming" LGBTQ ideology mandatory for clergy.

More Americans Worry About Paying Bills Than During the Great Recession July 24, 2024

Do you remember how painful the Great Recession was in 2008? The years immediately following were definitely a very dark chapter in our history, but a new study has actually found that the percentage of Americans that worry they won't be able to pay their bills is actually higher today than it was back then.

Hezbollah And Israel Approach The Breaking Point July 24, 2024

With eyes otherwise on Gaza, this simmering conflict has been largely overlooked, but now the world must brace itself for a direct and fierce war between Hezbollah and Israel.

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