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The Islamization Of American Towns: New Jersey's First Islamic City Is A Warning March 12, 2025

A shocking transformation is unfolding in Paterson, New Jersey, where local officials are rapidly reshaping the city into an Islamic stronghold. Once a beacon of American industry and blue-collar resilience, Paterson has become a case study in how unchecked Islamic immigration, demographic shifts, and political pandering can erode a city's original identity.

They Are Accusing Trump Of "Manufacturing" A Recession, What Is Really Going On? March 12, 2025

Is it just a coincidence that a large number of talking heads in the corporate media have all suddenly decided to start blaming Donald Trump for causing a "recession"? During the four years of the Biden administration those same voices insisted that there was no "recession" despite all the evidence to the contrary.

6G's Prophetic Implications - More Than Just A Tech Upgrade March 12, 2025

6G isn't just about faster internet, it's about complete integration with AI, automation, and global connectivity. This will mean the total automation of society--every action, conversation, and movement tracked, monitored, and potentially controlled.

Americans, Especially Democrats, Becoming Less Sympathetic to Israel, Poll Finds March 12, 2025

American sympathies regarding the Middle East are sharply shifting against Israel, according to a new Gallup poll.

Noah's Ark Found? More Evidence From Mount Ararat March 11, 2025

For generations, the story of Noah's Ark has been a cornerstone of the Christian faith. According to the Bible, Noah's Ark was not just a vessel--it was a divine instrument of salvation. Now, in a stunning turn of events, new evidence suggests that we may be closer than ever to discovering the location of Noah's Ark.

Time Running Out: What We Know About How Israel Could Strike Iran March 11, 2025

Very little time remains to address Iran's nuclear program. The Islamic Republic is placing its underground nuclear infrastructure so deep that even the American bunker-busting bomb will eventually be unable to penetrate it. "It will be so deep that conventional weapons won't be able to do the job," in the diplomat's words.

Convert, Flee, Or Die: The Grim Reality Facing Christians In Syria March 11, 2025

The recent atrocities in Syria, where over 1,000 civilians, including Christians, were massacred by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham forces, have cast a grim shadow over the nation's future. This Islamist group's rise to power has intensified fears among religious minorities, particularly Christians, who now face heightened threats to their existence.

Numerous Benefits Of Homeschooling Detailed In New Survey March 11, 2025

Compared to the other groups, long-term homeschoolers -- those who spent at least eight years being educated at home -- reported the lowest levels of depression and anxiety, were the least likely to say they "feel helpless dealing with life's problems," and "exhibited the highest levels of optimism, gratitude, and life satisfaction," found a new report.

Blood Moons And The Season Of War March 07, 2025

At various times throughout human history, Blood Moon eclipses have been associated with war. Interestingly, the Blood Moon eclipse that occurs next week falls during the Biblical festival of Purim, and the Biblical festival of Purim is the only Biblical festival that was actually created as the result of an armed conflict.

12 Shocking New All-Time Economic Records Already Reported In 2025 March 07, 2025

The U.S. economy was steamrolling in the wrong direction for four years under Joe Biden, and now we have an extraordinary mess on our hands. Nobody can deny that our economic numbers are absolutely horrible right now.

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